work out

work outwork out1.解决, 解答; 计算出This problem will not work out.这个问题解答不了。She worked out the problem with no difficulty.她毫无困难地解决了这个问题。The area can easily be worked out if you know the length and the breadth.如果你知道长度与宽度, 面积很容易计算出来。The charge for labor works out at almost ten shillings an hour.付给工人的费用算下来每小时差不多十先令。I can't work out how to do it.我无法解答怎么做它。Can you work out on the map where we are now?你能在地图上找到我们现在所在的位置吗?2.产生结果; 发展The plan worked out badly.计划进行不顺利。Everything has worked out according to plan.一切都按计划发展。3.锻炼These athletes work out at the gym for two hours every day.这些运动员每天都要在体育馆锻炼两个小时。4.作出; 制订出It wasn't too long before we had worked out a plan acceptable to all.没多久我们就制订出一个大家都能接受的计划。The plan has already been worked out, and could be put into operation at a moment's notice.计划已经拟好并立即可以付诸实施。5.使筋疲力尽; 耗尽He never seems to be worked out.他好像永远不知疲乏似的。6.了解某人的本质You're cunning, and I can't work you out.你这个人太狡猾, 我实在看不透你。7.在外当雇工Jimmy worked out when he was only ten.吉米在十岁时就离家去当雇工了。

work out1.脱出;冒出;出现;逐渐显现:The situation worked out quite well.情况到最后相当不错。2.掘尽,采掘完(矿);消耗完(精力等);使精疲力竭[一般作被动语态]:That old mine was worked out long ago.那座老矿早就挖完了。3.= work off (2.)4.实行;实现;产生预期的结果:I really think that this interesting scheme will work out.我确实认为这个有趣的方案可能成功。5.解决;找到…的答案:to work out a problem解决问题6.算出,计算:It's not easy to work out how much it costs to feed the average family.算出一个一般家庭的花费并非易事。7.能得到解决或解答:Don't worry. I'll work things out.别着急,我会解决这些事的。8.理解,弄懂;知道:He was working out some coded messages.他在破译几项密码。9.被执行,被实践10.【体育】(运动选手)训练,锻炼,参加训练课程以达到良好的竞技状态(或运动技能);操练,煞费苦心地达到(或做到):Working out for an hour every day is good for your health.每天锻炼一小时对你的健康有好处。11.做出,设计出,制定出:Students worked out a better method of learning English.学生们找到了一种更好的学习英语的方法。12.理解(某人的)性格,了解(某人的)本性:No one in the office can work the old man out.办公室里没人能摸透那老头的脾气。13.在工作中度过(时间):That old wifeless man works out his time every day.那个孤独的老人天天干活打发时间。14.(以工作)抵偿(债务):I don't agree with him to work out the debt.我不同意他以做工抵债。15.在外当雇工16.发展;发挥

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